Prepare for New Brunswick Entrepreneurial 2020 immigrate to Canada
Prepare for New Brunswick Entrepreneurial 2020 immigrate to Canada

ITC is proud to announce that it is ready for all Canadian Immigrant Applicants through the New Brunswick Entrepreneurial Program in 2020. This Entrepreneurial Program is one of the best immigration programs for all business owners, investors and senior government executives and the private sector. Starting in the new year of 2020, applicants who are interested in doing so can contact ITC to help guide by our colleagues and advisors.

Please consider the advantages of this program below to find out more about this program.

What is the key of Advantages of the New Brunswick Entrepreneurial Stream?

One of the advantages of the New Brunswick Entrepreneurial Stream is to allows investors who want to immigrate to Canada to obtain Canadian permanent residence for both applicant and family.

To be eligible to apply through New Brunswick Entrepreneurial Stream, candidates must satisfy the required requirements to allow to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI).

Advantages of the New Brunswick Entrepreneurial Stream

  • Canadian Permanent Residence: Canada’s only provincial program for entrepreneurs that ends directly with Canadian Permanent Residence.
  • Simple Requirements: The terms of the New Brunswick Provincial Entrepreneurship Program are relatively straightforward, and qualified individuals will be accepted with a minimum score required if a good business plan is submitted.
  • Specific time program: It is good to know soon how what is the chance to be accepted early in the process. The progarm allows candidates to submit a business plan and providing basic information to the New Brunswick Immigration Office and let them know to proceed the program.
  • Low deposit: selected Entrepreneurs submit a deposit $100,000 and signed Business Performance Agreement. This is the lowest deposit which still available in this program, but other Provincial Nominee Programs replaced it with other criteria.
  • Canadian Permanent Resident for Family : the candidate’s family including spouse and dependent children all are included in the application and could get Canadian Permanent Resident.
  • Permanent Resident Benefits: As all other Canadian citizens the candidates have the same benefits provided including health care, free public education, etc. without right to vote in Canada.

The key Criteria:

New Brunswick Entrepreneurial Stream criteria are very easy for investors to immigrate to Canada. The following three conditions are among the most important factors to meet eligibility:

1- Minimum Net Worth: A minimum of CAD $600,000 of which CAD $300,000 must be liquid and unencumbered funds in legally acquired net worth, alone or with their spouse or common-law partner if accompanying the applicant. Assets including property, bank accounts, shares, business, pension funds, stocks.

2- Business and Management Experience: The Applicant must have minimum 3 years out of 5 of experience in manageing and owning a business (of at least 33.3%) or have 5 years out of 5 experience in a senior business management role prior to submission application.

3-  Investment : To invest at least CAD $250,000 to purchase or establis a business in New Brunswick.

Do you want to have detailed updated information about your visa file?

You can apply for GCMS Report to recieve detailed information about your file; and/or Recieve copy of your file is in process in the IRCC

To find out if you’re eligible for immigration to Canada, simply complete our free assessment! A member of the ITC Immigration Team will review your eligibility and contact you to discuss your options!

Do you want to have detailed updated information about your visa file?

You can apply for GCMS Report to recieve detailed information about your file; and/or Recieve copy of your file is in process in the IRCC