New Changes to Express Entry Ranking System
As of June 6, 2017, important changes applied to the Express Entry requirements and Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS).
If you already have an Express Entry profile, over the next few weeks, you may see updates to your score if you have:
• a sibling in Canada who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, or
• submitted results for a French language test.
Other changes to Job Bank registration and the way we rank candidates with the same CRS score are also coming into effect.
Please note, you do not need to update your profile unless you are adding new information related to these changes.
There are no new questions for your application to Express Entry. All CRS scores will be automatically updated before the next invitation round where the Express Entry system detects that points are changed.
If you have already received an invitation to apply, you will not be affected by these changes. Your application will be processed based on the rules in place when you were invited to apply.
You can get additional points for good French skills
If you score NCLC 7 or higher on all four French language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), you will get
• 15 additional points if you scored CLB 4 or lower in English (or you have not had an English test); or
• 30 additional points if you scored CLB 5 or higher on all four English skills
This is in addition to points you get for official languages.
Points for siblings in Canada
You can now earn 15 additional points if you (or your spouse or common-law partner who will come with you to Canada) have a brother or sister who is:
• living in Canada and
• a citizen or permanent resident of Canada
To get these points, the brother or sister must also be
• 18 years old or older
• related by blood, marriage, common-law partnership or adoption
• have a parent in common
Job Bank registration voluntary
Previously a mandatory requirement, it is now up to you if you want to create a Job Match account with Job Bank.
If you meet the minimum entry criteria for Express Entry, you will be automatically be
• placed into the pool
• eligible for invitation rounds right away
You can still create a Job Match account to help you look for work.
New approach to rank candidates with the same CRS score
We can now break ties between candidates with the same rank in the pool.
The Express Entry system ranks candidates in the pool by their CRS score. In case of a CRS tie, the system will then rank all tied candidates based on the date and time that they submitted their profile.
For example:
The highest ranked candidates are invited during rounds of invitations. If we issue 3,500 invitations during a round, the system will pick the top 3,500 candidates at that time. The cut-off for the round is set by the CRS and submission date of the 3,500th candidate. It could look something like this:
Rank | CRS | Profile submission (Date and time) |
Status |
3498 | 422 | October 14, 2016 at 20:40:56 | Invited |
3499 | 422 | February 5, 2017 at 11:32:01 | Invited |
3500 | 422 | March 27, 2017 at 08:12:23 | Invited |
3501 | 422 | March 27, 2017 at 9:54:39 | Still in the pool |
3502 | 423 | June 3, 2017 at 22:57:12 | Still in the pool |
Still in the pool
Note, if you update your profile, the system will keep the original date and time stamp when you first submitted your profile. But, your profile will have a new time and date stamp if:
• you choose to withdraw your profile and create a new one instead or
• your profile expires and you submit a new one
What do I need to do?
Not everyone will be affected by these changes. If you think you are not affected, you don’t need to do anything.
If you think the changes affect you, you should:
1. Log into your online account and check your Express Entry profile.
2. If you update your profile, the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) will update your score. (It may take up to 24 hours for the system to update your score)

New Changes to Express Entry Ranking System