Yukon Business Nominee Program
The Yukon Business Nominee Program (YBNP) is for individuals with proven business skills who want to live in Yukon, and who want to own and operate a business and make a significant contribution to the community.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must meet the requirements listed below to be eligible to apply under this program:
- A minimum net worth of C$250,000 including C$150,000 in liquid assets obtained legally.
- Relevant entrepreneurial or business management experience.
- Minimum score of 56 on the Assessment Grid.
If the applicant is approved by the YBNP – Business Category, in order to earn a nomination for permanent residency he/she will be required to:
- Establish a successful business venture in one of the industries in the Strategic Sector List.The applicant must demonstrate a minimum C $150,000 investment in the business with no less than 1/3 ownership.
- Invest in a business in one of the industries listed on Strategic Sector List of at least C$1,000,000.

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