New Brunswick Skilled Worker with Family Support
The New Brunswick Skilled Worker with Family Support is for skilled workers, professionals or managers as well as some semi-skilled workers who have an an eligible supporting relative in New Brunswick.
Eligibility Criteria
To apply to the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program With Family Support, the applicant must meet the following criteria:
- Applicant or spouse has a relative who is a parent, grandparent, sibling, aunt or uncle and a Canadian permanent resident or Citizen living in New Brunswick for at least one year and is self-supporting.Relative must have been operating a business in New Brunswick for the past 12 months, or must have beeen working in an occupations in Skill type 0, Skill level A or B or C or D Category 1, 3, 7, 8, 9 in the past 12 months.Relative can only support one application at a time, with the exception of parent supporting the applications for children.
- Be between 22 and 55 years old.
- Have sufficient English and, or French language ability to fulfill your job duties.
- Have at least 3 years post-secondary education, or a trade diploma of at least 2 years.
- Have at least two years continious full-time work experience in the last 5 years, in an occupations in Skill type 0, Skill level A or B or C or D Category 1, 3, 7, 8, 9.
In addition to meeting the above criteria, successful applicants must show that they have sufficient settlement funds to support themselves and their dependants after arrival in Canada.

New Brunswick Skilled Worker with Family Support